Worms Cathedral – Small but mighty

Worms Cathedral might be smaller, but it is also older than the cathedrals in Mainz or Speyer. And some major events of medieval history took place right here. The Conocordat of Worms was agreed here in the year 1122. This agreement ended the so called ’investiture controversy’ between the pope and the king of the Holy Roman Empire. For years they had quarreled about one question: Who was allowed to appoint the bishops? In Worms they found a compromise. Now only the pope could appoint the bishops but the king was allowed to be present at the election. The Concordate of Worms seperated the spheres of power into a worldly and clerical one.
Chasing the bishop
But before this conflict was settled, the citizens of Worms took advantage of it. In 1073 they chased their bishop from Worms Cathedral. The emperor Henry IV. rewarded them for it.
Mediastation at Worms Cathedral
Try out the new interactive media station at Worms Cathedral “The Emperor, the Cathedral and the City of Worms”.
How do you turn your family into a powerful dynasty? You might find some answers to this question in the crypt of Worms Cathedral. Members of the Salian dynasty were buried here. Amongst them relatives and ancestors of the emperor Conrad II. Originally the crypt of a Cathedral is reserved for its bishops. But noble families like the Salians had a good reason for repurposing it. You will find another repurposed crypt in Speyer Cathedral. It is the resting place for Conrad II., his wife empress Gisela and numerous other emperors of the Holy Roman Empire.
The gratitude of an emperor – Why it might pay off to chase the bishop from the city
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