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Maaraue – The biggest event of the Middle Ages?

Go for a walk, have a picnic or enjoy the river Rhine. The perfect spot to enjoy your day off is the Maaraue peninsula in Mainz. It offers a great view of Mainz Cathedral and the riverside.

Diet of Pentecost 1184

But in 1184 you would have found yourself amidst one of the biggest event of the Middle Ages: the Diet of Pentecost in Mainz, initiated by emperor Frederick I. Barbarossa. Some sources say that almost 70.000 knights were present. What was the occasion? Listen to a knight’s tale of this big event on the Maaraue. Would you like to hear more about chivalry? Check out the Hardenburg. And empress Beatrix, the wife of Frederick I. Barbarossa was buried not far from here in the crypt of Speyer Cathedral.