St. Bartholomew’s Church – The place for elections

This church gained power while others lost it. The gothic style St. Bartholomew‘s Church was built after its ‘romanesque’ relatives in Trier, Worms, Speyer or Mainz. But in the late Middle Ages St. Bartholomew gradually took over an important task. The election of the new king of the Holy Roman Empire happened here. This election used to alternate between the imperial residences, or “Pfalzen”. But in the late Middle Ages elections increasingly took place in St. Bartholomew’s Church. In 1438 a newly built chapel inside the church became the designated space. You will find this ”Wahlkapelle” on the south side of the choir. Many rules for the election of the king were put into writing in 1356. This decree was called the Golden Bull. It named Frankfurt as the official place for the election of the king. But even before the Golden Bull many elections took place in the city. Amongst the kings elected in Frankfurtwere Frederick I. Barbarossa and his grandson Frederick I.
"Imperial Cathedral"
But after 1356 no other place could host the election. That is why St. Bartholomew’s Church received its honourable title ”Imperial Cathedral’.
Its foundations date back to the year 680. Remains of an early chapel were discovered. Including the grave of a girl from a noble family.
You can visit St. Bartholomew’s Church and the chapel were the election took place. If you want to learn more, have a look at the Museum within. It presents treasures from the tomb of the noble girl and medieval relics.
St. Bartholomew
Domplatz 1
60311 Frankfurt am Main